Wednesday, January 19, 2011

House at Villa Luro

Nice house at Villa Luro, Guardia Nacional and Pizarro, March 2008.

1 comment:

Carla said...

I haven´t spent much time in the neighbourhoodof Villa Luro, but i´m sure there is something interesting to see, as there is in every area of BA. I can recommend exploring the historic center of Buenos Aires with a professional guide, or private tour guides as they lead you through the historic center of Buenos Aires, passing the Plaza de Mayo and the turn-of-the-20th-century marvel Avenida de Mayo to Congreso, they'll explain how architecture, history, and the lost glory of a powerful Argentina is reflected in the streets of Buenos Aires. Ride the A line subway's wooden trains down to station Avenida de Mayo. Have a coffee and medialunas at Café Tortoni, one of the city's most historic and scenic cafes, and try to catch the conversation of Buenos Aires locals discussing the latest issues. I had a Buenos Aires rent and was the best experience!